Regular Client?
If you’re a regular client we’ll automatically apply a discount when we put together your quote
Price Match Discount
We’re really proud of our customer service, but if you get a better quote, let us know and we’ll do our best to beat it
Multiple Days
Hiring for more than 3 days? We’ll automatically apply a discount.
The more days hired the bigger the discount
Lighting Hire with your Studio Shoot
Our studios are really well lit, but sometimes it’s great to have a bit of haze, a revolving table, a rain machine (yes we can make it rain) or some SFX. We give an automatic 40% Discount on lighting equipment hired when using our studios
Work for us
When we’re busy it’s great to have an extra pair of hands. In exchange for working in our warehouse we’ll give you a discount on kit hired. You don’t have to use the discount straight away.
eg: 1 x 8h day worked = £80 off your kit hire. SUBJECT TO REQUIREMENTS